What's Old Is New Again
1984 Nikon FE2
Tonight Nikon is going to introduce a new camera with an old look. Like everyone my age, I grew up with film cameras. No menus to navigate, or LCD screen. No instant feedback or gratification. There was no sharing to social media, just showing off your slides or prints with whoever happened to be around. Don't get me wrong, I love digital and all of the money it saves me.With this new camera Nikon is trying to blend the two. From what has leaked out, it looks like all the dials and overall look will be pretty close to the old school FM and FE Nikons. I have to admit I love the look. It does take me back. My FE2 lives on a shelf and every once in a while I think of taking it out for a spin instead of my DSLR. Better yet I'll take both out and see if I can meld the two in my own way. With the cost of the new Nikon Df at close to $3000, it will be quite a while before I can give it a shot. See a preview and the new camera on the 5th here!