What Kind of Photographer Am I?
Over the last ten years i’ve struggled. I’ve struggled to define my photography by a genre. Landscape, Portraits, Street Photography, Documentary etc…. This has been to my detriment. Not having a niche is damaging for creating a presence and building a following online. This seems to be the key to succeeding as a photographer in today’s world. I used to make money from my photography skills. This was during the transition from film to digital, from 2001 until 2009. As time went on, digital content and online revenue streams became just as important as in person assignments. I never gained a solid footing online and my business slowly disappeared. I’m actually ok with this. One thing I learned is that the fastest way to ruin a passion is to make it your career.
I love photography. I had to decide what that meant to me. I learned that I didn’t want to be constrained by a specific type of photography. I don’t just shoot portraits but I love portraits. I don’t just shoot landscapes but I love landscape photography. The same could be said for street. While i’m not a traditional street photographer, I love city scapes and occasionally include a person here and there. I believe I have solid skills in all of these types of photography. Why would I want to focus on one over the other? the same could be said for film vs digital. Why would I want to stop doing something that I love just because there is a new option available. Don’t get me wrong, I love the cost savings of digital as well as the ease of use for auto focus, resolution and overall benefits of new technology.
So what kind of photographer am I? I call if “Photographer GP”. There are doctors that are specialists and there are doctors that are general practitioners. I love the concept of being a general practitioner where photography is concerned. I shoot what I want, when I want and I use the tool best suited to that moment in time. I use film when I want that aesthetic but also have digital in my bag if the need arises. I have my Fujifilm X-T4 for video and landscapes. I have my Leica Q2 for everyday carry but also have the Leica M6 in my EDC bag. Portraits can be done with any camera. That’s right, I said it! Film, digital, 28mm, 35mm or even 50mm. It all depends on the style, look and feel you want from your image. So a general practitioner I am, and will continue to be. I’m willing to take the hit where popularity is concerned. Who knows, maybe I will start a trend. Open the floodgates for those that feel the same, constrained by the modern day expectation. Free yourself and your photography. Shoot whatever your heart desires. In my opinion you will be better off because of it. Follow your passion and just shoot!
Till next time,