Not Quite A Daily Blog! / by John Wineberg

This was harder than I thought. It’s not impossible but definitely a challenge. I’m up for a challenge. Creating habits takes time. Writing every day is something that I can do. Making it interesting and having content that is engaging or informative every day is more of a challenge. Seth Godin was my model. He has been daily blogging for several years. He has this down to a science. I’m setting three goals for myself to try this again. Pick a time to blog, don’t always include images and have fun!

Picking a time is hard but doable. I have a fluctuating schedule but it is possible to choose a time of day, every day, to blog. I think this is the key to making this happen. If I sit down every day at the same time, set aside this time for this and this alone, it will work. Every morning I sit in my office with my coffee and breakfast, before I go to work. This is the perfect time to write. I usually spend it consuming content, whether it be news, new YouTube videos, blogs, etc. I think we all do this instead of creating content. I know i’m better served if I create something vs. consuming something.

The second step is that I don’t always have to have an image to share. I do have a ton of images, on hard drives, to choose from. It can be time consuming to choose just the right image. I have to realize that words are enough. I could even choose several images when I have down time and stack them up to use with each blog. The idea being that the image has something to do with what i’m writing. There are many ways to accomplish this. Writing about a photo adventure is an easy one. Another is to explain why I took a particular image or the thought process of editing or composition. I tend to overthink things to the point of paralysis. That needs to stop.

The last is to just have fun. Most of my adult life I have worried to much about what others think. I have stifled my creativity because I believed that I would be ridiculed or made fun of, not taken seriously. Art is something that is outside of the box by its’ very nature. It is making something from nothing but an idea in your mind. You are only constrained by your imagination. The problem is that your imagination is narrowed by your world experiences, but only if you let it. I’m learning that I can be free. I can express myself any way I want. I just need to make it happen. I am the only person standing in my way!

So once again I am jumping into daily blogging!

Until Tomorrow,
