Why Do We Post On Social Media? / by John Wineberg

I’ve been asking myself that question a lot lately. What is the importance of social media? Why do we feel the need to like, comment and share or even create a new post? For some it is a connection to the outside world. A way to share what is new in their life with family and friends. For others it is the idea of fame and monetization. For others it is a way to share their art. A way to show the world their creativity whether it be photography, digital media, paintings or sculptures. What is the impact of these sites on all of us, what has it become in our lives?

I’m definitely not going to be able to address that last question here. What I can say is what it represents for me. First off, I don’t care how many people like, comment or share my work. If that happens, great. If not, it’s not the end of my work. It doesn’t discourage me. I will continue to create my work and share it out. I figure what is the purpose of my work if nobody sees it. This way there is a chance. There is a chance that just one person might enjoy it, one person might find inspiration, or even just take the time to enjoy one of my images for more than a quick swipe of the screen.

I’ve been studying other artists that I admire, Georgia O’Keeffe, Cartier Bresson, Ansel Adams. They all seem to have one thing in common. They didn’t care what other people were doing. They weren’t following the latest trends, they just created their art the way they wanted to. My take away is that I need to think outside the box. I need to do my own thing, follow my heart and my passion. Keep capturing the things that resonate with me. Quiet the voices of all the people that are saying to do this or that. This is my art, not theirs and it will forever be, because of me!

Until Tomorrow,
