In Search of the Perfect Image / by John Wineberg

I have been wandering the world with my camera for over 40 years. You would think that within that timespan that I would have found the perfect image. What do I mean by the perfect image? When all the stars align, composition, exposure, capturing time and place and after the edit feeling the emotion that I felt when I made the image. Truth be told, I am still looking for that image. Yes I love some of the images I have made. I will cherish them forever but they are not what I consider the perfect image. In actuality I probably and hopefully will never achieve that goal.

The reason I will, hopefully, never achieve that goal is, after that, nothing else will compare. For me it is more about the journey. Learning from the imperfections of each image I make. Moving on to the next shoot knowing more than the last. The never-ending learning process. I even return to the same location over and over to see what I can do that is new, different or better than the time before. For me this is what photogaphy is about, the journey! Wanting to take my camera everywhere because I don’t know what might be around the next corner. The idea that I might learn something new with each image I make. For me this is a metaphor for life. Throughout my life I have faced many challenges and highlights, my first backpacking trip, earning my college degree, cycling from San Francisco to Los Angeles, marriage and the birth of my sons and so much more. Whatever the challenge or accomplishment, we strive for more, until there are no more challenges to be had. I know for me, when there are no more challenges, it will truly be the end. So I continue, with my camera, looking for the next challenge, seeking that perfect image!

Until Tomorrow,
