My Love Of Film Photography! / by John Wineberg

This image isn’t perfect and that is why I love it. Sometimes imperfections are what make things perfect. The grain, the color, the nostalgic feel of this image. While it was taken recently, it takes me back. It takes me back to a time and place of my youth. A time when film was the only option. When the camera was simpler. There weren’t menus to navigate. There was no screen to look at to see if you got the image. You just believed that it would be there. That moment in time captured on a flexible piece od plastic with chemistry on it. I love that I can still do this. An old camera in the hands of an older, ehem, Man. I will continue to shoot film as long as it exists and there is chemistry to develop it. I find comfort in holding my old camera and using all of its’ manual controls. It brings me joy!

Until Tomorrow,
