I'm Starting YouTube Again! / by John Wineberg

Frame from my first video of 2024!

This was harder than it should have been. I know that this is something that I want to succeed at. What does success look like? I’ll tell you when it happens. There are so many variables. One Million Subs? Probably not. I’d be happy with 10k. Hoping to break 1k in the next six months. It’s going to be hard. I’m going to have to commit to making more content. Time is not on my side but it can happen. I just need to be flexible with the available time that I do have. Early mornings, late at night, breaks during the day. These will all be key to success.

Why am I doing this? It’s fun and it is a way to share my passion with the world. I’m not good at social media. I’ve always struggled at parties. I’ve never been a social butterfly. I love alone time and am very comfortable when isolated from the outside world. YouTube is just that for me. I can be alone, even isolated as I create. The social part is the posting of the video. I can respond to comments, give likes and thumbs up from a distance. All this I can do. I feel comfortable in front of a microphone. I have always felt like I have something to say. Curious to find out if anyone is actually interested. I’d like to believe that there is a tribe out there for me. I have to believe. Either way I will leave a legacy for my kids to see and share. Who was Dad? Check out his YouTube channel! That would be cool enough.

Until Next Time!
