creative art

What Is Art? by John Wineberg





  1. 1.

    the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

    "the art of the Renaissance"


    the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.

    "the visual arts"

As I get older I realize that anything can be art, but I do believe you need three things for something to be considered art. First you need the creative, the person that created the art. Second, you need someone impacted by the art and lastly, the art itself. It’s that simple. I don’t believe that there needs to be an arbiter of whether it is art or not or if society at large needs to be involved at all.

A person doesn’t need to identify as an artist to create art. We all, as children, drew, painted or made crafts of some sort. We all have this inside of us. It is the choice, as we get older, to continue to create art or explore our artistic interests. I don’t believe you need a formal education or background to be considered an artist. Anyone and everyone can create art. It is all about the choice.

We don’t think about it enough but art is absolutely everywhere. The music we listen to, the billboards or posters we see, photographs and videos online, we are bombarded with art every moment of every day. Whether you consider it art is up to you. It is subjective. You get to make that choice. When you look at the definition above “ be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” This is the impact on you, the receiver. Have you ever felt goosebumps listening to a particular song? Has an image ever brought you to tears? Have you stood in a gallery looking at painting or sculpture for more than a few minutes because you just couldn’t walk away? This is the importance of art in all our lives. I enjoy the reflection of an emotion brought on by sound or sight. When you think about this, the receiver could be anyone, from a loved one cherishing a childs creation to the person at the Louvre gazing at the Mona Lisa. Either is just as important when defining whether something is art, as it is in that persons heart and mind as to how it is perceived.

When it comes to the art itself, it also can be absolutely anything that has been ctreated by anyone. A building, music, photography, a painting or even a piece of wood carved by hand. It can all be art. As I stated earlier, art is everywhere. It is whether we choose to see it or not that makes it art for us.

This brings me to the original question. What is art? You get to decide. It is a very personal thing. The next time you are at a gallery or wandering a new city with a group of people, pay attention to where people linger. Notice what they are looking at and ask how it is impacting them. Each person will have a different perspective or answer. Ask people about the music they listen to and ask if there is a reason. The clothes people choose, the people they follow online, it may be art for them. We each have our own perspective based on the sum total of our lives and experiences, each being unique. It is this uniqueness that can shape perception of art. We all have our definition and for me that is the definition of what is art!

Until Tomorrow,
