I'mpossible! / by John Wineberg

Read that title again! We are all faced with limits in life. Some we create in our head and others are real and can slow us down or even stop us in our tracks. I have dealt with this issue directly with my creative work. The idea that i’m possible, that I am only limited by my own imagination and actions. Or is it impossible? Are there brick walls in my way, stopping me from being creative?

I know that I am my worst enemy when it comes to being creative. So much going on in my head, will people like it, is it worth it, what excuse can I find to avoid it. Distractions everywhere! It all boils down to how important is this to me? Do I love it? Does it bring me joy or satisfaction? Since you are reading this, the answer is obvious. I took the time to sit down and write this. I took the time to find the right image to express how i’m feeling right now as I type these words. Reggie overcame so many obstacles to be in the moment above. His lifelong love of his craft expressed in this image. We are all capable of amazing things. The hardest part is realizing that thing. Working hard to be even better at it and then share it with the world. Yes there are roadblocks, issues, challenges but the key is to find the detour, the workaround and to overcome. The idea you have, or potential outcome you imagine, may change over time, it may look different than you imagined. When we realize what’s possible it makes all that work worth while. Even if you never reach the end goal, the journey can be just as important.

So i’m enjoying the journey. I keep creating work. I walk the world with my camera, capturing moments, places, people. I’m still not sure what the end result will be, I just know it is what I love and i’m enjoying the journey, finding what’s possible for me!

Until Tomorrow,
