Why I Pick Up a Camera! / by John Wineberg

As I explore the WHY? of photography, I have been examining why I make images in the first place, why do I pick up a camera?

There are so many reasons to make images. Some people do it for a living or in the hopes of making it a living. Some hope to make art and others do it to document the world and people around them. For some people it is what they do, for me it is who I am.

As a kid, photography seemed magical. Images appearing from nothing, in chemistry, in a room lit with a red light. Capturing light on a piece of paper, one shutter click at a time. It gave me purpose. I didn’t need anyone else to make it happen. It was a solitary endeavor. It always gave me something to do. In the most awkward social situations, I would hide behind my camera. It kept me company.

As I got older I understood more the power of images. I started to look at my images differently. I began to learn how to manipulate light and frame my subjects in new ways. I eventually started to make money from my images. This eventually took the fun out of it for me. Being beholden to another for what the subject would be and the look and feel of the image was something I hated. I wanted total control. Because of this I no longer make images for money. If I end up making money from the images I create then all the better, but this is not my purpose.

When people ask why I make images I now respond with “because I can’t not!” It is who I am, part of the core of me. I can’t imagine not having a camera in my hands as I wander the world.

To make this happen I have made some changes to my behavior.

  • No more doom scrolling, counterproductive!

  • Stop worrying about what others might think.

  • Make more art! Photography, written word and YouTube

  • Read more about art and photography.

  • Lessen the impact of Social Media. Don’t consume but share what you create.

  • Make all of the above a habit!

I am excited for what is to come in 2025 for my art. I feel more free to create what I love and to love the process. If you are reading this I can assume you love photography as well, leave a comment, tell me your why!

Until next time,
